Thursday, August 31, 2006

Education in Germany

Biomedical Engineering in Germany

In Germany the educational system is divided into 3 classes

a)Techniche Hochschule – Technical University
These are the highest graded universities in terms of funding and also research publications. They are the best technical institutes in Germany.

b)Universität – University
These are the next grade of universities after technical universities. Well they are not mainly associated with technical subjects rather concentrate on not technical subjects.

c)Fachhochschule – University of Applied Sciences
These are the low profile institutes whose primary objective is to train students for industrial work. They don’t concentrate much on the research aspects and thus it is very difficult to get a PhD position after graduating from these institutes (Unless you are certified by a University).

Medium of Instruction

The international programs are in English. But in some Universities and Fachs the medium of Instruction can be a mixed one like say 80% English and 20% German or any other combination as such most of the courses will be in English itself. Where German is required most of the universities have a provision for the language course (either paid or free depends upon the individual institution and funding aspects)

Course Fees

Previous to 2004 the education was a fundamental right in Germany and thus was exempted from semester fees to make education available to all. The Government of Germany paid for all the educational expenses. But after 2004 there were serious financial problems with the German government and the research took a back step. In order to counter that and collect funds for the research the Universities were granted rights to charge for the education. So from 2004 many programs in the university are paid programs. The fees vary from 600€ to 24000€ a semester.

So before applying check out whether the program is free of cost or paid one.

Living Expenses

The students require funds for the following
a)Accomadation : 100€ - 300€ (If you share with others than the price is one the lower side while single rooms cost around 200-280€ depending on the area. If you stay outside the main city you will get rooms much cheaper).
b)Student Insurance : AOK charges 57€ a month and that is the same with TK. These are the two major insurances for the students. TK don’t provide insurance for the ambulance service while AOK is valid in 16 European countries, So check out the provisisons before signing in with the insurance company. Also remember that if you have not visited a doctor for the whole year you were paying the premium, you can claim a refund, wherein a calculated amount will be refunded. The insurance companies will not let you know this so clarify with them.
c)Food and other expenses – 100-300€ depending on the life style of the individual.


At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i m applying to luebeck univ.which is an FH i need to know that will the job chances outside germany will reduce for me??

And if u can help me..can u pls provide the list of good univ ..with course in english

At 12:02 AM, Blogger always with god said...

hai bmes ,

i am a ug student in biomedical background. i want to knowthe job prospects of msbiomedical inluebeck univ of applied sciences in germany.

reply me as soon as posible



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